These are first thoughts for what I call a 'Forest Claw'. A medium/large mountable beast for the Sylvaneth race in Warhammer AoS. As you can see, I have focused my attention away from the rider on this occasion as this would come further into development. Note that some of the sketches are numbered as they are developments of other sketches on the same sheet.
I threw in a couple of flying variants too but honestly felt that while this was worth exploring, it wasn't as strong as the others. This particular race does use bugs as mounts but I have never found these mini's to be as strong as the Ent or wooden styled creatures. In the concept phase of course, every option must be considered at least once.
I considered many different head variations. Largely around the same theme, but I knew that once I had cracked this, It was time to move on with refinements.
Below you can see the three refinements made from my initial sketches. Taking the bits I most liked and combining them into the best trio for study and development. You'll also notice other quick sketches for poses, heads and weapons too.
Below you can see close-ups from the two concept sheets.