Orcs are always fun to conceptualise. However, it's easy to fall into the trap of just putting them on the usual boars, squigs and wolves! The trick is to think about story elements that will fire the imagination of the player and excite, even challenge the painters! That's why these three concepts are a little different.
I always like to go big too. Nothing worse than a disappointingly small mini' when it comes to Orcs. Haha.
The first concept (above) for my mounted Orc comes with a giant flying Squig. I know I said that Squigs are a trap to be avoided BUT not when they are giant AND flying. Think of this guy as an alternative to the Wyvern since you're looking at an Old World Shaman. The Wyvern is great and very Old World but the option of the giant Squig does make it feel a bit more 'Orcish' and also gives our AOS friends a little something for conversions too! I've included plenty of alt' head options, a few that should certainly be included with the model. The same goes for weapons/staffs. And notice the mini flying Squigs - all attached to the greater Squig.
But if you're not sold on Squigs then check out Gark Dwark Rider!!

Gark 'Dwarf Rider' or Gark 'The Lesser is not what anyone expects to see when they ask for concepts on a mounted Orc or Goblin. Haha. That's what is so cool about this oversized Goblin. Inspired by the legend of Grom the Paunch, Gark decided to make himself a contraption to carry his bulk. Not capturing a team of wolves however, but a single stout Dwarf.
As a mini' this is so different to anything currently on the board and it is 100% story & character driven for Orc and Goblin fans. This fanbase buys heavily based on the 'rule of cool' and I think that's where this concept wins. Especially as a special character piece.

Here is a third concept. The Weirdboy Sharman on Spirit Boar. He is riding a boar as he summons it from his staff. This mini' in the right painters hands will look amazing! And for most everyone, with a couple of washes will look great as the boar made of flames will come to life in minutes.